Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Day 32 Week 5

Five. Five soldiers shot dead by a 'rogue' who had infiltrated the Afghan police force. May their souls rest in peace.

Six. Six more injured. We see less of the injured but the scale of damage to personnel varies from a broken finger to the permanently vegetative state, and regularly includes loss of one or more body part.

Eleven. Eleven caught up in a tragedy, and heaven only knows how many people suffering in the trickle down pyramid of association. Grief and loss in abundance.

Someone told me to be proud and not afraid, but the truth is I'm both.

The day here in sunny Buckinghamshire is again enchanting and golden, and am working on building up stamina in my leg and trying to stand and walk for longer and longer, but after about half an hour my foot still looks like a zepelin and I have to stick it up on top of cushions. Am going to do the walk once the nurse has left and it's such a joy because the village is looking absolutely gorgeous. We're surrounded by the prettiest countryside in the Chilterns and there are so many varieties of trees that the colours are like an artist's pallet. Realise how lucky we were as a family to end up homeless in one of the most beautiful areas in England and wonder what would have become of us if we'd remained in Liverpool. It's funny how life sometimes just takes you by the hand and says 'here we go - we're off on the most incredible journey', and so it is.

Just opened the door to a new nurse and she took one look at me and said 'is you name E?', and I said it was, and she then asked 'how old are you?' and I replied with the f-word, and she then said 'my God you look so young'. Have never wanted to grab a complete stranger and waltz around my hall before but do now - truth is I feel ninety but always good to know it doesn't show.

Posted another parcel out - photos and chocolates - parcel hugging now mandatory. Not heard back from H - presume at sea again. R rang and asked if there was a bunch of keys in her room and became very defensive when I asked if she'd lost yet another set.

The house is like the set of a Hammer Horror at the moment because my poorly neighbour is out and consequently the dog has been howling since quarter to eight this morning, and it could send me insane if it continues for much longer.

Thank you so much to everyone who has written/sent things out to Afghanistan - you have no idea what it means to us all. C loves to hear about home.

Prayers again to St Therese

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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