Saturday, 27 March 2010

Day 175 Week 24

Had a lovely lazy day, went shopping for water pistols for a fancy dress party tonight with my very nice new friend. Then we went to visit a gorgeous friend of mine and bought some grub to have before we go out.

Came home to the news on the radio that another soldier has been killed and he was with 3 Rifles looking for IEDs when a car bomb killed him, RIP the poor lamb.

Haven't heard anything and am praying everyone who can be is safe and well.

Heard from H and he's in Brighton again for a party and I'm on look out duty for mail for him. R home and having a few select friends around for a discreet gathering where no doubt conversation will gently flow from culture to art to politics, or maybe not in view of the vast amount of vodka that has just been carted upstairs. And no news of or from C.

Please Lord we need your help.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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