Sunday, 21 March 2010

Day 169 Week 24

Went to the twenty-first last night and it was really good. My nice new friend came too and we chatted with the young and not so young and everyone had a really good time. Lots of anecdotes about H, C and R which was really sweet and they were certainly missed. The boy is completing his training to be a scout out in Afghanistan and his mother said that this time she's going to try and hold it together as last time everyone, including herself, thought she was going mad. That's just how it feels, teetering on the brink of loosing it and just about managing to stay the right side of the line.

My nice new friend having the day with his son so off to football this morning and he was such good company, and once we got back from the party caught the remainder of the France v England game, and then sat talking far too long and it was very late by the time I hit the mattress. Went for a gorgeous walk with friends this afternoon around the house and grounds of Disraeli's nearby former residence, which also happened to be a top secret RAF post for making maps for bomber command during the second world war, and the tangible evidence of Spring was everywhere to be seen. Daffodils gingerly sticking their heads out of the earth, new born lambs bleating in the distance and doves fluttering up against each other, and all in the most gorgeous, warm sunshine.

Have coincidentally heard from several sources this week that prior to C's posting he was asking everyone from family to friends and neighbours to 'keep an eye on Mum and make sure she's alright', and the irony is of course, that I have no heed for my own safety whatsoever and only care and pray for that of others.

Heard from H and he's had a couple of days on a very choppy small ship bobbing about in the waters outside Cardiff and is 'knackered'. R in recovery after her Essex cultural visit. Not heard from C but at the party several said that they had spoken to him during the week. Fellow solidier's Mum sends the love and support she always does, and I hope I help her as much as she helps me.

Am now going to complete the maths paper which for one reason or another did not get finished on Friday.

Look after them all please Lord.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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