Saturday, 26 December 2009

Day 84 Week 11

C was able to ring home on Christmas afternoon and as the turkey did not arrive in time they killed their pet goat and ate it for lunch, after which they played football against the Afghan National Army and were promptly hammered. This was not a day off from duties however and he said he's been 'out and about' previously. He thanked everyone for all the parcels sent out.

He then rang our oldest friends and chatted with them, followed by father, brother and sister. Believe we have the Sun newspaper to thank for that - never thought I'd utter those words.

I had an unexpectedly delightful Christmas which turned into a very grown up dinner party lasting until ten in the evening with lots of discussion of a very lively and humorous nature. The impending dreaded Christmas experience without C at home was avoided by making it a different sort of occasion with scrumptious food, diverse company and ironically not a child in sight. Well that is child in the legal sense of the word as the two grown up sons of our hosts were witty and charming and full of anecdotes, and then I walked home and felt a huge pang of nostalgia for my own brood. Please God next year they'll be here.

It's one of the consequences of divorced couples that the off spring alternate their yuletide between the separate parties. So as H pointed out that meant I didn't get to have the day with just two out of the three this year, and that next year would (hopefully) be with C back at home - as last year was - and wouldn't I rather have it that way round than the other. Indeed I would.

Off to my cousin's for a couple of days with H and really looking forward to seeing them all and sharing vast amounts of alcohol, again mouth watering grub and more witty conversation. R spending the day with boyfriend's family.

No news from C so Lord let's keep it that way please.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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