Thursday 3 December 2009

Day 61 Week 8

It's bitterly cold here in our village and everyone's wrapped up against the elements as winter is well and truly upon us. The Christmas lights along the high street are so pretty, all silver and blue and sparkly, but try as I might I just can't do Christmas this year. Must reverse the mindset though because H and R will want to celebrate traditionally and it's not fair on them to be all humbug. Truth is can't really enjoy anything anymore.

Heard on the radio that the General in charge of South Afghanistan has changed the emphasis of the campaign from trying to defeat the insurgency to protecting the local population. This involves working closely with the infant (and patently corrupt) police force and living amongst the indigenous community. Oh God C must be living out amongst the people, most of whom are apparently really gentle folk but they must be so exposed and vulnerable out in the countryside. Also he is so trusting and gullible and has always tended to see the good in human nature and never be suspicious or wary. It's all too horrid.

My aunt rang this morning and more parcels to be dispatched to the front. Everyone is so kind. Apparently Nottinghamshire is freezing too and with a north wind whipping down maybe snow could be on its way. Afghanistan must also be piercingly raw. Hope they've got enough warm clothing and equipment.

R hopefully on her way home and it's her nineteenth birthday tomorrow. More internet shopping has arrived. Not heard from H so he must still be bobbing about on the river.

Thank you everyone for all your kind support over the problems and difficulties C has to face.

God bless everyone

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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