Saturday, 19 December 2009

Day 77 Week 10

Heard from fellow soldier's Mum and thank goodness no bad news to share but she's really finding it hard, all she wants is her boy home safe and well. Sent her lots of love and positivity, which she always sends too.

Actually had gorgeous dreams for the second night running. No hideous torture or demons or devastation just blissful contentedness - you know the feeling when you wake up and for a split second the fantasy was reality but then you realise it was merely sub-conscious happiness and it's back to square one with a thud.

The postman's just been and so picked up the mail from the doormat and thought nothing untoward when I saw a large white A4 envelope addressed to C. Opened it as required and then my head began to spin and the air rushed through my ears and I had to run to the loo and promptly vomited. It was the renewal notice for C's insurance and there in cold, black writing was the following list; quadriplegia, paraplegia, death, loss of both limbs, loss of both eyes, loss on one limb or one eye, loss of speech, loss of hearing, burns. The list of every form of agony and anguish a parent could read that could affect their offspring was clinically chronicled along with personal possessions such as applemac and mobile phone. The vicious substance that is modern war combined with tedious paperwork struck again, for there was a litany of the worst, most dreadful nightmare imaginable and it arrived with my gas bill, bank statement and junk mail offering double-glazing and a jacuzzi.

Want my dream world to be my real world.

Saw on the BBC website a story tucked away behind the climate change conference and ex-lions rugby player announces he's gay, that Iraq has ordered Iran to move away from their border and has accused the Iranians on invading their territory and taking control of an oil well. Have a ghastly feeling this could be one of those little stories that escalates into catastrophe, let's hope and pray not.

No news from C so KBO as Churchill used to say. R enjoyed her party at Heathrow and night in a posh hotel. Not heard from H so hope skiing and apres ski good. Snow still in abundance and am yet again stuck in my little house - at least I'm warm and cosy and not under attack from bombs and bullets though.

More prayers for the well being of loved ones.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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