Tuesday 22 December 2009

Day 80 Week 11

Thank goodness R made it safely to her boyfriend's - well he had to drive out to meet her and escort her to his house, I know it was an ordeal because every so often she'd text and say 'OK so far Mum'.

Our village looked like a disaster movie - scores of stranded cars and at midnight the main road to London was solid in both directions with droves of silent people trudging away from abandoned vehicles. Our local John Lewis actually made up beds and had the snow-refugees sleeping in the store overnight - Dunkerque spirit prevailing and a delicious breakfast thrown in to boot. Remember we used to have weather like this when I was a child and never recall everything grinding to a halt.

Watched the Military awards on the TV last night. It may seem a cliche to say it was absolutely awesome - but that's just what it was. Also there was a therapeutic aspect to it because suddenly it wasn't so scary and somehow began to make some sort of almost sense. The thing that never ceases to amaze is that these warriors of ours are just so normal and not in the least bit arrogant or pretentious, simply ordinary, honest, caring people predisposed to be prepared to die for the wellbeing of others. Such noble deeds accompanied by unassuming modesty.

Felt particularly effected to see 2 Rifles' receive the Best Unit award, the desperately injured included along with those blessed by returning unscathed - well by physical injury at least.

Then the news this lunchtime was live from Lyneham and Wooton Bassett again as the bodies of three more were brought home. Hushed crowds paying respectful homage as the coffins pass, one of them containing yet another eighteen year old and the other two were only in their twenties. Whilst the families can be proud that they lived decent lives it is still so, so sad.

A friend just called by and it was good to see her and chat and laugh and just been light hearted for an hour. R been collected by her father in his four by four to be taken up to London to see her Scottish family. H still working on returning home for Christmas and hopefully it's looking more hopeful now the back log has been cleared on both sides of the Channel. No news from C so just praying he and his comrades in 3 Rifles are being protected from harm and kept safe.

Fellow soldier's Mum really struggling and I know just how she feels. God bless her and her boy.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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