Saturday, 2 January 2010

Day 91 Week 12

Fellow soldier's Mum pointed out that each day gone is another day nearer to them coming home dv. Must hold that thought.

The weather is glorious sunshine with freezing temperatures and more dreaded ice on the ground. Gritting lorries all over the place. They definitely daren't risk a repeat of the chaos before Christmas when so many people were stranded because apparently the wrong snow fell at the wrong time.

The gathering yesterday was brilliant, bangers and mash and lots of chatting and laughter, the merriment began at three and didn't get home until nine o'clock. The nickname I was awarded by my dear friends is 'Cinders' and scarily I've been given an ultimatum to meet Prince Charming pretty soon, or have been told in no uncertain terms they're going to find him for me. Oh dear.

H back from Scotland and enjoyed every minute of it. Lots of partying and drunken antics which I'm probably better not knowing about, alarmingly some of them seemed to include a kilt and underwear. He was gutted to miss a call from C while he was with his cousin but did speak to him the next day. Discussed C's disposition with H and he thought C was very upbeat and only sounded down because he had a cold. Hope that's the case.

Treat of treats H talking me out for dinner tonight and he's paying for the first time, quite a landmark moment for a mum. And then supposed to be going to a party afterwards but am wary of walking home on the ice in the wee small hours so might not go. The weather just isn't very British at the moment, everyone has had enough now and we all want it to revert to the usual bland, damp claggyness that is our expected winter. Wonder what it's like in Afghanistan and shudder to think.

Not heard anything from C and am very uneasy just now. Feel like this year is going to be a year of great change and truth be told am quite a creature of habit, and find the concept of unfamiliarity daunting. Still the only way to progress is to move upwards and so guess pushing the comfort zone is the only way to go. Hey-ho.

R with her boyfriend and it definitely feels like the holiday's over.

Lots of love and prayers for absent friends.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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