Friday, 15 January 2010

Day 104 Week 14

Well at last the snow has retired and I have a path a half a lawn again. Went euphorically out of the house this afternoon and down to my doctor's, and it was wonderful. Still a tenacious remnant clinging on but let's hope the old saying of 'some stays behind to welcome the next fall' doesn't apply.

Our local constabulary, affectionately known as 'Happy Valley' by our neighbours the Metropolitan Police Force, were unfortunately caught on camera sledging in Oxford on their riot shields, and they were on duty. Somehow find that quite comforting that in these days of rigid conformity there's still a place for fun, well provided there wasn't a stream of untackled crime festering away in the background. H, C and R found it extremely embarrassing when our house featured in the background on one of those real-life crime documentaries when a nearby flat was raided by Special Branch. Those were the days.

Saw a documentary on the tv and apparently people were healthier and had a better diet under rationing during WW2 than at any time before or since. Isn't that ironic, we now have children who have endless access to as much convenience food as they wish, and they actually show signs of malnutrition whilst simultaneously suffering from obesity. As a product of the nineteen fifties it seems incredible that the war began over seventy years ago, my early childhood memories resemble those grainy grey images on the old pathe news bulletins, and who would have thought we really were better off. Maybe we never have had it so good as in those times.

The poor victims of the Haiti earthquake are now descending into anarchy with looting and violence commonplace on top of everything else.

No news from Afghanistan so hoping for business as usual and no new developments. Heard from H and he's having a ball on the piste. I'm under orders to record the history of the Royal Navy tonight, lots of gung-ho what a jolly island nation we are, and where would we be without Nelson, and keel-ho-mi-hardies no doubt. H competed in his first race today and he didn't win but he didn't crash either. Not heard from R so hoping all's well there too.

Spectacular eclipse across Asia and Africa, the longest in length for over a thousand years. The ancients believed such an omen meant new beginnings and nothing but good, so let's hope a little of the old magic still applies.

More prayers for the safe keeping of loved ones.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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