Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Day 115 Week 16

Not only was the poor lad killed on Sunday in 3 Rifles, but he served with my son and C knew and respected him well. Found out at eight thirty this morning, checking the news before starting work and if it wasn't for my dear colleagues don't think I could have got through the day. Factoring in the time difference, it must have happened not long after I spoke to C on Saturday night and I just feel so, so, sad for the boy, and his family, and his friends - those both not serving and the serving left behind. No winners.

If you look at the gallery of the fallen the most horrendous aspect is they just look so alive. A sea of young fresh hopeful faces, invariably smiling and exuding optimism and clearly looking forward to the future. And now they're gone, God bless them all.

There was the most breathtaking sunset tonight. The sky looked as if it was on fire as puniceous crimson spread out from the brow of our life-giving orb as it settled below the horizon. It was like the heavens spontaneously combusted. I stood at the top of the hill at the entrance to my close, looking over the dark outlines of the trees in the woods and fields beyond and I wasn't crying but suddenly tears streamed down my face. Can't ever put the horrors out of my mind.

Heard from R and she's having a ball. Heard from H and he's so mature and responsible and loving his course too. Heard from C, but only in a very formal way describing how he feels over the loss of his comrade. That was through a testimonial he had written on the MoD website.

God bless us all and keep us strong and protect us from danger.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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