Monday, 18 January 2010

Day 107 Week 15

Went back to work and it was absolutely brilliant. So good to see everyone, lots of jokes about 'return to work Chapter 2' and felt invigorated to be back in the land of the living.

Work being amazing and am having a phased return and my timetable's fantastic. Initially felt like a rookie but after ten minutes in the classroom realised I had a vague idea what I'm supposed to do, and enjoyed every minute of it.

Reflecting on the nature of my colleagues I start thinking about the role of the job and wonder if it's because they have to care so much about the students that it attracts such kind, considerate people? Some of the young people we work with have had the most desperate things to cope with for their young years and for many it's a huge and literally life changing move to return to education. Then ponder about the whole nature of character compared to chosen professions. Are careers choices or vocations? In reality probably a bit of both.

Had a huge bluey with R which always makes me sad, still I suppose being a teenage girl means that Mum's public enemy number one. Not heard from H but he's still in the Alps hopefully having the time of his life. Kabul erupted into a battlefield this morning with suicide bombers and gun fights around the government buildings, will it ever settle down. No news from C and am obviously concerned but must keep spirits high and assume silence is the best alternative.

Came home and had a delicious hot soak in the bath and all the muscles started to relax after the shock of an active day. And now it's my favourite supper of bangers and mash. Thank you Lord today was a good day.

Can tomorrow and all the other days be like that please?

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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