Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Day 101 Week 14

Always aware of the tally of passing days and just hope each one that we're blessed with doesn't become the harbinger of tumultuous change.

Do not feel as overly anxious as yesterday thank goodness, but still no appetite. Flip side being it's quite nice not have to bother about what is eaten, to the contrary have just forced-fed self with cup of soup and an apple. Better than yesterday though, couldn't face anything. Wonder why it happens like this, there's a random lottery and it's impossible to estimate the probability of a day being sickening or really quite manageable.

See that the first trial to be held in England without a jury is now in session at the Royal Courts of Justice. The reason being there is a quantifiable concern that the jury would be in danger of being threatened and nobbled. Still find it quite alarming that a right which was endowed by the Magna Charta can be casually overturned by yet another criminal justice bill in 2007. As our constitution is unwritten and it is Parliament which is sovereign and we are not blessed with inalienable rights, our freedom is based on the premise of the checks and balances which the evolved separation of powers provides. Not sure the judiciary sitting in the role of jury goes along with the spirit of everything we hold dear. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, but let's hope not in this instance.

Still confined to barracks but at least it looks as if the snow really is melting now. Had another attempt at my path and as my left ankle has such restricted movement and I have a flat-footed gait which lacks flexibility, it felt completely perilous. Snow, snow go away.

Heard from friends and fellow soldier's mum and their support means everything. Not heard from H so presuming RN Ski Championship going well. R back at uni and brown-paper wrapped another parcel out to the front line with the inevitable emotional farewell.

Bring him home safe please Lord. Actually please bring all of them home safe.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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