Friday, 26 February 2010

Day 146 Week 20

Is this the best day ever? If it ends as well as it began then it will be up there with the really special ones.

Slept the sleep of the cossetted innocent. Woke up this morning and was stunned yet again to realise life had morphed into a world of happiness, fun and contentment. Got ready for work and C was still slumbering with gorgeous girlfriend and the house felt fabulous. Even R was pleasant. And it was before eight o'clock in the morning, a time when usually it's strictly one snarl or two.

Drove into work, singing. Then had the two most challenging lessons of the week but they were an absolute joy and the boys were brilliant and the classes flew by in three hours of enthusiastic English and Maths accompanied by superb attitude and good manners. Read for exams in the afternoon and everyone passed really solidly.

Arrived home and if it was possible, things just got better and better. H at last home so lots more hugging and kissing, and now friends are in attendance. Went to the supermarket to buy them some nibbles and alcohol and met my boss who blew me away with her kindness and insisted on buying them a drink, as she felt sure they'd earnt it.

They've gobbled the solids and quaffed the liquids. Am now sitting at my laptop with gentle witty banter filling the air and they're getting ready to go out on the razzle.

Oh thank you God, never thought there'd be a day like this again.

Heard from fellow soldier's Mum and she said to buy him a drink too.

This is certainly one of the best.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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