Friday, 12 February 2010

Day 132 Week 18

Goodness it's cold, real brass monkey's weather as they used to say up north.

Work interesting. Friday usually presents in the form of late adolescent boys who hated school and want to work in the Construction industry and are totally hacked off to find out that involves passing the equivalent of a 'C' grade at GCSE in English and Maths. Slowly you have to first convince them that with the necessary application it may well happen, and secondly that you really like them and are on their side and genuinely want them to succeed. It's surprising how many have been loathed by teachers in school and invariably reminded on a regular basis how stupid they are. They think nothing of telling you how 'thick' they are and at the end of the year one of the best aspects of the job is seeing them burst with pride when they pass what is often their very first exam.

As it's another fun-Friday am off to meet everyone in the local pub and hopefully start the weekend on a cheery note.

Not heard from H. R not coming home as a contingent from our local village are going to see her for the weekend. No news from C.

Please Lord look after my children.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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