Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Day 130 Week 18

The government has improved the levels of compensation to be paid to the injured and they have also ordered another thirty beds to be installed at the rehabilitation unit for amputees in Surrey. This is to cope with the ever increasing numbers. Two hundred and fifty six have now been killed and just over five hundred have been seriously wounded and heaven only knows the figures for those harmed less brutally. The field hospital at Camp Bastion is working to capacity and the impact has been felt with hospitals at home beginning to struggle with the logistics of it all.

Heard someone on the radio saying that one of our areas of weakness is that we don't plan ahead sufficiently and that many crucial decisions are taken in a knee-jerk reaction rather than a measured analysis of what is really required. Also because of time-lapse between procurement and deployment, it often transpires that the wrong choice was made anyway. Hence no helicopters, shortage of hospital beds, personnel stretched beyond limits (and let's not forget initially fighting on two fronts and we know what happened to Napoleon and Hitler when they tried that one), lack of equipment, transportation shortcomings, funding difficulties, unexpected credit crunch adding to aforementioned lack of funding, hence the whole bloody can of worms.

Work was good, am really glad to be back in the thick of it and it's a tremendous source of distraction and support at the moment. Cannot put Afghanistan out of my mind for a second and heard from fellow soldier's Mum and she thinks she's going round the twist with it all. Would appear the dreaded big push is underway.

Heard from H and my e-mails are mysteriously identified as junk and consequently he now calls me 'spam'. Not heard from R, but hope she's OK as we are expecting more of the white stuff. Not heard from C, and just wishing a praying all's OK there.

Got a headache, but suppose that means I'm a very lucky person compared with what some people are going through just now.

Keep going please Lord.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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