Monday, 15 February 2010

Day 135 Week 19

Well the feared bloodbath in Afghanistan has not yet materialised, and please God that will continue to be so. Twelve civilians tragically killed during a Nato rocket strike though and that will create anger in grief as well as discord. The area is riddled with explosives and that's slowing progress down, apparently we will not know for another year whether everything has worked out as planned.

Dreadful train crash in Belgium when two commuter trains collided during the morning rush hour. More unexpected devastation. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the world was full of nothing but good news, a balming utopia, but alas life doesn't work like that.

Absolutely fabulous to see my cousin and her very generous partner. Arrived to champagne and homemade sloe-vodka cocktails, followed by lunch of lobster salad accompanied with copious amounts of delicious red wine. Then the bobberty-bobberty ride over the fields to the ancient pub, and back home to delicious roast chicken, trimmings and the most mouth-watering chocolate mouse ever. Lots of really good reassuring conversation and felt briefly buoyed with confidence, but then on the journey home began to feel infected with anxiety again, and back to being terrified by the unknown magnified by received wisdom via the television.

Kept looking at the beautiful Buckinghamshire countryside as I drove south and even on a cold, wet, grey day, it looked stunning. C loves his homeland and said lots of prayers that he will enjoy it once again, once all this hideousness is out of the way dv.

Got massively lost in Aylesbury. Don't know what it is about the place but always have an attack of brain-swipe and end up going round and round the one way system and inner ring road. Think absolutely nothing about driving up to central London, and can successfully navigate myself around without resorting to the A to Z, but show me Aylesbury and I go to pieces and loose the plot.

Just heard a soldier from the Duke of Lancaster's was killed yesterday, may he RIP. More shattered lives.

Not heard from H, C or R.

Please keep them safe Lord.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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