Sunday, 18 October 2009

Day 15 Week 3

Finally managed to sort out C's mobile phone account. The hotch-potch remedy is that I shall ring Vodafone on the first day of each month and if I have his bill settle the account in full and if I don't have his invoice then make a guess and deposit an amount which will hopefully cover the debt. Have written to the Bailiffs and DVLA about SORN - in good faith although now strongly suspect C is at fault. And hopefully have reactivated his bank account costing me £500.

To think before he left, the only knock at the door I thought I had to dread was 'the visit' from fellow officers, and the sort of knock I could imminently receive at the moment is from Bailiffs wanting to 'possess goods in lieu'. Just spoken to H about Cs complete lack of preparedness and he said he also hadn't made arrangements for me to officially handle his affairs in an emergency. I just feel so frustrated - its all very well C running around Salisbury Plain dressed as a tree in the run-up to the tour but surely the Army could have a few sessions on the practicalities of 'things to be left in order'. Or maybe they did and C just ignored it, he is prone to enjoying the finer things in life and not so fond of the mundane. H laughed when I said I felt so disloyal moaning about him because God Forbid he could be dead.

This is the reality of modern warfare. I was astonished when C told me the week before departure he had to go to the passport office in Glasgow because one of his platoon had forgotten to renew their passport. We live in a surreal world of health and safety, bureaucracy and killing.

The house is full of young ones this morning. R home from uni and several friends deposited around thanks to our nearness to the local night-club. They're all giggly and chatty and languishing with endless cups of tea, it's lovely to listen to them.

Feel a bit poo - hope to shake it off as am supposed to be being taken out by some very handsome young men. It's so sweet - H and C's friends rang me up and said they would like to take me out today to cheer me up and typically now feel as if I'm succombing to the bug everyone's been dropping like flies with.

Hope the day goes well and all stay safe

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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