Friday, 30 April 2010

Day 209 Week 29

At half past eight last night I was in the kitchen cooking dinner, R was in her room doing work for uni and H was reading his book in the sitting room.

Then the front door opened.

I was startled and turned to see a silhouetted figure standing in the doorway.

Then a very familiar voice said 'hi everyone, I'm home'.

And so it happened that C was at last back home and amongst us.

Nothing to say but thank you Lord.

Fellow soldier's Mum due to have her boy back tomorrow God willing.

One more blog in a week's time.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

1 comment:

  1. Off topic, but trying to get the word out. Please forward as appropriate.

    It's really tough being a dependent. Breaking news is TriCare's new online, telephone, and videoconferencing mental health services. This just went live today, and I think will be big news in the military dependent community. Check out this article about this service.
