Thursday, 22 April 2010

Day 201 Week 28

Had a call from C and the good news is he's OK but the downside is he's still in Afghanistan.

Would appear the chaos from the volcano has precipitated more travel backlog for the military as well as civilians, and he has no idea when the will return to his homeland but thinks it could be in the next few days. Let's hope so. He assured me that as far as he was concerned, the tour was well and truly over, and all he and the men were doing was waiting around for an aircraft home. Definitely no active service. Well that was what he said anyway.

And he still has to go to Edinburgh before coming home.

Saw the doctor and have been referred urgently for physio and heat treatment on recently damaged ankle and he felt certain the pain and new swelling in formerly damaged symmetrical joint is as a result of ungainly gait.

Saw a dear friend for coffee earlier on and that lifted the spirits, and am waiting for another dear friend to pop around now.

Feel awful. Feel scared I'm never going to be normal again. Just want to get out of bed without searing pain reminding me that I can't walk.

Nice new friend been in Bath for the day and am looking forward to speaking to him later.

No news from H and C wondered if he was stranded too. R being brill and wandering around looking fab in a face mask, don't know why as she has such a beautiful peaches and cream complexion but I guess I was just the same at her age.

Fellow soldier's Mum in limbo too.

Please bring them home Lord.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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