Sunday, 11 April 2010

Day 190 Week 27

Over half a year of this trial over, thank God, but as the saying goes it's not over until the large lady sings and I don't hear any arias just yet.

Dreadful plane crash in part of the former Soviet Union, killing a whole swathe of Poland's leadership including the president, and the result has been devastating.

On a lighter note yesterday evening was definitely almost perfect. Plans changed at the very last moment so H had dinner with NNF and I, the spicey meatballs in a vegetable and tomato sauce washed down with a delicious red wine and it was scrumptious. Then off to the local for the surprise gathering in honour of H's twenty-fifth and it was absolutely brilliant - everyone in really good form and a hoot. R, C's friends, fellow soldier, gorgeous girlfriend and my dear friend and family all in attendance along with NNF and it was fabulous.

C was extremely missed and we did, of course, toast absent friends. Seemingly he is now at the main base sorting out the logistics of delivering the parcels from home sent by loved ones to the boys and girls on duty. And the time in the hour glass is slipping very slowly by.

Today, NNF at work and had a really pleasant stroll/lurch through idyllic countryside beside a stream flowing through watercress beds with my dear friends who were such good company, and now it's home for dinner and bed. Feel ridiculously tired, considering am cruising through the life of Riley, and the mattress is beckoning but suddenly all hell has broken loose as the cooking has just set the fire alarm to screeching point. Couldn't put the blooming thing off and now am sitting with doors and windows open and must remember to clean out the oven tomorrow.

H text to say 'New York, New York have arrived'. R out for late lunch with friends and not dining with me after all. No news from C.

Heard from my NNF and he's at work. No news from fellow soldier's Mum so hope she and M an family are safe and well.

Yet more prayers to the Lord for his continuing support.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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