Friday 23 April 2010

Day 202 Week 28

Still no news of when C should arrive home God willing.

Had a call from C's gorgeous girlfriend's Mum this afternoon and she was very emotional. She had been watching GMTV in the morning and at the end of the seven o'clock news after a round-up of travel horror-stories relating to volcanic fallout, she'd heard the newsreader say 'but the good news is C, who has been serving in Afghanistan, is due to return home to his family and mother E this weekend'.

Trying to find a copy of the broadcast but am blown away by the kindness of people wanting, loving and wishing C Godspeed back to us all. As indeed all of us do for all of them out there.

Dear friend called in this evening to say hello and lift spirits and it sort of worked.

No news from or of H. R out with girlfriends in the golden, warm evening sunshine. Fellow soldier's Mum heard that her boy, M, is to be delayed by two days because of the delays.

We just want our lives and families back to where they were, nothing more.

Thank you Lord for the day given.

Speak soon. A soldier's Mum x

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